Our project is simple: it will begin with a runner who plans to run 1,000 km to raise funds that will support free therapies and development programs for more than 90 children and adults with mental and psychiatric disabilities, helped by the Rafael Foundation. He runs and people with charitable souls can make a donation. For every kilometer run, a donation of 25 lei or 5 euros can be given, but every cent counts. So, any amount you give, if it’s given with love, it is welcome. Because it is love that counts, with which one offers any amount of money.
Other athletes-fundraisers can join this runner to persuade by their dedication more donors, producing an emulation of good and generosity that will give the health and health of the body and soul together with the satisfaction of the good that rises in each of us.
Do you want to be a volunteer-fundraiser or be one of those generous donors? Fill out one of the two forms and we will contact you as soon as possible. Donors have the opportunity to offer the money either directly, at the Foundation’s headquarters, at Codlea, rue Libertăţii, nr. 22A, or by bank transfer to the following accounts RO35 RNCB 0054 0901 1247 0001 BCR Codlea (lei) or RO08 RNCB 0054 0901 1247 0002 BCR Codlea (euro) or PayPal with the specification: “Run for Rafael! I support the runner … “!
Dear friends! We do not have to do other miracles! Love is enough. Run and / or donate only if you feel this wonder. Do not offer more than you can! Every cent and every meter run are filled with the most valuable spiritual meanings. Give with all your heart or wait! God offers us many ways to express our love for our neighbor.